Hotels near Vesterport Station in Copenhagen
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Copenhagen Vesterport Train Station
Vesterport is a railway station, or more precisely a train stop, in the western part of Copenhagen city centre. It is situated on the main S-train corridor passing through the inner city, between Copenhagen Main Train Station (Kobenhavn H) and Norreport Station. Vesterport is very close to several tourist attractions and important places, such as Tivoli or Radhuspladsen, and close to some of Copenhagen’s best hotels. Important streets close to Vesterport Station include Hammerichsgade, Vesterbrogade, Ved Vesterport, and Vester Farimagsgade.
Hotels near Vesterport Station in Copenhagen
The area around Copenhagen Main Train Station and Vesterport (the two stations are very close) is the most popular hotel district in Copenhagen. The highest concentration of (mostly 3 star and 4 star) hotels is in a relatively small area between Vesterbrogade and Halmtorvet, particularly in the streets Helgolandsgade and Colbjornsensgade – this place is actually closer to Copenhagen Main Train Station, but still within 5 minutes walk from Vesterport. Most of the best hotels (4 star or 5 star hotels) are situated directly on Vesterbrogade.
Booking Copenhagen Vesterport Station hotels
Although Copenhagen is a fairly big city, the number of hotels is much lower compared to some other European capitals and many hotels can be fully booked on various occasions. It is strongly recommended to book accommodation early, especially when you are less flexible with the dates of your stay in Copenhagen.
Topics: Accommodation, Copenhagen Main Train Station (Kobenhavn H), Halmtorvet, Hammerichsgade, Main Copenhagen S-train corridor, Norreport Station, Ved Vesterport (street), Vester Farimagsgade, Vesterbrogade (street), Vesterport Station